Wacom Bamboo

With my Wacom Bamboo graphic tablet I’m usually having the issue, that I need to watch out where my fingers are. Beside the pen it really likes to react to my fingers and any other touch being made to the surface.

Luckily you can just disable the touch for the fingers, but keep it for the pen.

While you’ve got the settings in the GUI in Windows and OSX and you’re therefore being ripped of the chance of learning something you, you need to open the terminal in Linux.

First you need to get a list for the touch device currently connected:

$ xsetwacom --list devices
Wacom BambooPT 2FG 4x5 Pen eraser    id: 9    type: ERASER
Wacom BambooPT 2FG 4x5 Pen stylus    id: 10    type: STYLUS
Wacom BambooPT 2FG 4x5 Finger pad    id: 11    type: PAD
Wacom BambooPT 2FG 4x5 Finger touch    id: 12    type: TOUCH

Now you know that the device you’re looking for has the ID _12_ (will probably differ in your case). No you can switch it on and off as you like:

$ xsetwacom set 12 touch off

And it works.