
Sometimes you just want to see if a webpage changed. A simple one. No RSS available and you know that writing to the one running it and asking for RSS would go probably beyond his/her capacities. Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense.

So what to do?

This little script in Cron will now check a website and send me a mail when it detects a change. It isn’t pretty, but it works.

# Checking for changes of a webpage

#for (( ; ; )); do
    mv new.html old.html 2> /dev/null
    curl $URL -L --compressed -s > new.html
    DIFF_OUTPUT="$(diff new.html old.html)"
    if [ "0" != "${#DIFF_OUTPUT}" ]; then
        sendEmail -f $USERNAME -s \
            -xu $USERNAME -xp $PASSWORD -t $USERNAME \
            -o tls=yes -u "Web page changed" \
            -m "Visit it at $URL"
     # sleep 10

The commented lines will run the script in a loop with a pause of 10 seconds. I don’t need an email right away, so I put the script in cron instead.